Thursday, February 24, 2011

Suburban Wilderness Engagement Session...

I love the idea of escaping into the wilderness without having to leave the comforts of home, which is why I am so excited about Sam + Bryant's engagement session! Their photographer, Candice of Candice Benjamin Photography, found this perfect little woodsy oasis just steps from a suburban neighborhood. They ventured out with a few props (including lots of flannel, which they love!) and supplies gathered from their homes, then set up camp!


jenny llanes said...

love this!! so cute.


yes! love this shoot! anything with camping involved makes for the best shoots!


What a sweet theme! The props seem to fit them perfectly, which I love.


this shoot makes this city girl want to break out the tent! adorable!


I adore this - totally like what I have in mind for the camping inspired love shoot my honey and I are doing this summer!


L-O-V-E this shoot!!! And that last picture is just darling! The details are perfect too - the tent, the blanket...all of it. Just fabulous.


lizzie said...

what an adorable shoot! that couple is so adorable, jeez!

Kate/MagnoliaRouge said...

Love it in all it's plaid/flannel goodness!! Makes me wanna go camping... for real!!

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